Sunday, 24 July 2011

More Comments onyour blog posts(

You’re here because

you’re a blogger and

blog because they want

people to view and

appreciate whatever it

is they’re writing about.

The easiest way to

gage how popular and

useful your writing is

comes in the form of

comments. The more

people comment about

how much they enjoyed

your writing or if you

can give them more

information, the better

you’re doing. Comments

also provide a sense of

community to your blog.

Below are some of the

methods you can use to

give visitors a reason to

take a minute off and

comment on your blog


1. Provide longer more

insightful posts, but

keep it open ended. Not

open-ended as in

unanswered, but

provide them with the

information they want

and something extra

that will have them

asking for more.

2. Use the WordPress

CommentLuv Plugin. You

are bound to be visited

by other bloggers and

site owners. With

CommentLuv they can

enter their feed with

their comment, which

will then show their

latest blog post. You

can also use a similar

plugin which allow

visitors to add their

Twitter accounts.

3. Send them a

notification e-mail every

time someone replies to

a topic they’ve

commented on.

4. Use comment

management systems

to add that social

feeling to your

comments. I suggest

trying out

IntenseDebate or


5. Show the top

commenters in your

sidebar. People will have

to register for your blog

and it will provide them

with recognition

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